"Truth is the kind of error without which a species could not survive."
- Friedrich Nietzsche

"Instruments and playthings are sense and spirit: behind them thee is still the Self. The Self seeketh with the eyes of the senses, it hearkeneth also with the ears of the spirit...."
- Friedrich Nietzsche

"Values did man only assign to things in order to maintain himself -- he created only the significance of things, a human significance! Therefore, calleth he himself "man," that is, the valuator."
- Friedrich Nietzsche



Friedrich Nietzsche Society
The Nietzsche Page at USC
Nietzsche at Bjorn's Guide to Philosophy
Nietzsche at Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
The Perspectives of Nietzsche page by Bill Curry
Nietzsche page by Eiichi Shimomissé
Nietzsche page by Katharena E
Nietzsche -- Pity Versus Pity
Introducing Friedrich Nietzsche
Nietzsche page by Lord Etrigan
Friedrich Neitzsche: An Introduction by John Knobloch
Nietzsche Aphorism Page
Nietzsche Chronicle
Journal of Nietzsche Studies
Nietzsche's Works: English
Thus Spake Zarathustra by Friedrich Nietzsche (in English)
Also sprach Zarathustra by Friedrich Nietzsche (in German)
Beyond Good and Evil (excerpts) by Friedrich Nietzsche
Study Guide for Nietzsche's Thus Spoke Zarathustra
"Apollo and Dionysus: From Warfare to Assimilation in The Birth of Tragedy and Beyond Good and Evil" by Bart Bryant
"A View of Apollo and Dionysus" by R. H. Albright
"Nietzsche and the Twentieth Century in Beyond Good and Evil" by Eyad Ammari
"NIetzsche as Critic and Captive of Enlightenment" by Lewis Call
"Nietzsche's Use of Metaphor" by John Hartmann
"The Song of Change" by Brooks S. Holtan
"The Hyper-Texted Body, Or Nietzsche Gets a Modem" by Arthur Kroker and Michael Weinstein
"Merleau-Ponty and Nietzsche: Perspectivism in Perception" by Mark McCreary
"Coping with Nietzsche's Legacy: Rorty, Derrida, Gadamer" by Gary Brent Madison
Lectures notes: "Nietzsche's Metaphysics" by G. J. Matthey
Lecture notes: "The Slave Revolt in Morality" by G. J. Matthey
Lecture notes: "Nietzsche's Critique of Religion" by G. J. Matthey
Lecture notes: "Nietzsche's Anti-Ethics" by G. J. Matthey
"On the Three Metamorphoses" by B. J. Muirhead
"Nietzsche and Society" by John A. Maraski, Jr.
"Strange Bedfellows: Nietzsche and Jesus Reconciled" by Frederick S. Peterson
"Nietzsche at the Mall: Deconstructing the Consumer" by Daniel R. White and Gert Hellerich
"Reinventing Truth: Nietzsche, Skepticism and the Celebration of Life, Part 1" by Kyle Xhilone
Don Zurbrick on Nietzsche and Woolf
Nietzsche Campfire Chat
Nietzsche Virtual Seminar
Nietzsche E-mail lists
Nietzsche picture gallery

Recommended Readings

The Anti-Christ
by H. L. Mencken (Translator), Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche
Our Price: $6.25

Beyond Good and Evil : Prelude to a Philosophy of the Future
by Marion Faber (Editor), Robert C. Holub (Editor), Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche
Our Price: $8.95

The Birth of Tragedy
by Douglas Smith (Editor), Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche
Our Price: $8.05

Ecce Homo : How One Becomes What One Is
by R. J. Hollingdale (Translator), Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche, Michael Tanner (Designer)
Our Price: $9.85

The Gay Science : With a Prelude in Rhymes and an Appendix of Songs
by Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche, Walter Kaufmann (Translator)
Our Price: $10.80

Hammer of the Gods
by Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche, Stephen Metcalf (Editor)
Our Price: $13.45

Human, All Too Human
by R. J. Hollingdale (Translator), Richard Schacht (Editor), Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche
Our Price: $16.95

A Nietzsche Reader
by Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche, R. J. Hollingdale (Editor)
Our Price: $11.65

On the Genealogy of Morals : A Polemic
by Douglas Smith (Translator), Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche
Our Price: $9.85

Philosophical Writings
by Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche, Reinhold Grimm (Editor), William Bruce Armstrong (Photographer)
Our Price: $19.95

Philosophy in the Tragic Age of the Greeks
by Marianne Cowan (Introduction), Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche
Our Price: $8.95

Portable Nietzsche
by Friedrich Nietzsche (Editor), Walter Kaufmann (Translator)
Our Price: $14.35

Thus Spoke Zarathustra
by Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche, Walter Kaufmann (Translator)
Our Price: $11.65

Twilight of the Idols or How to Philosophize With a Hammer
by Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche, Duncan Large (Editor)
Our Price: $8.95

Untimely Meditations
by Daniel Breazeale (Editor), R. J. Hollingdale (Translator), Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche
Our Price: $15.95

The Will to Power
by Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche, R. Hollingdale, Walter Kaufmann (Translator)
Our Price: $13.50

The Adventure of Difference : Philosophy After Nietzsche and Heidegger
by Gianni Vattimo, Cyprian Blamires (Translator), Thomas Harrison (Translator)
Our Price: $34.50

The Cambridge Companion to Nietzsche
by Bernd Magnus (Editor), Kathleen Marie Higgins (Editor)
Our Price: $22.95

Composing the Soul : Reaches of Nietzsche's Psychology
by Graham Parkes
Our Price: $22.00

Confrontations : Derrida/Heidegger/Nietzsche
by Ernst Behler, Steven Taubeneck (Translator)
Our Price: $16.15

Contesting Spirit
by Tyler T. Roberts
Our Price: $16.15

Crossings : Nietzsche and the Space of Tragedy
by John Sallis
Our Price: $18.00

Dark Riddle : Hegel, Nietzsche, and the Jews
by Yirmiyahu Yovel
Our Price: $17.05

The Ear of the Other : Otobiography, Transference, Translation
by Jacques Derrida, Christie McDonald (Editor), Avital Ronell (Translator), Peggy Kamuf (Translator)
Our Price: $10.80

Feminist Interpretations of Friedrich Nietzsche (Re-Reading the Canon)
by Kelly Oliver (Editor), Marilyn Pearsall (Editor)
Our Price: $19.95

Friedrich Nietzsche and the Politics of the Soul
by Leslie Paul Thiele, Marshall Cohen (Editor)
Our Price: $17.05

German Philosophers : Kant, Hegel, Schopenhauer, Nietzsche
by Roger Scruton (Editor)
Our Price: $15.25

Introducing Nietzsche
by Laurence Gane, Kitty Chan (Illustrator), Richard Appignanesi
Our Price: $9.85

Jung's Seminar on Nietzsche's Zarathustra
by James L. Jarrett, Carl Gustav Jung
Our Price: $16.06

Marine Lover of Friedrich Nietzsche
by Luce Irigaray, Gillian C. Gill (Translator)
Our Price: $19.00

The Mask of Enlightenment : Nietzsche's Zarathustra
by Stanley Rosen
Our Price: $22.95

by Walter Arnold Kaufmann
Our Price: $16.66

by Michael Tanner
Our Price: $8.05

Nietzsche : A Novel
by David Farrell Krell
Our Price: $18.95

Nietzsche : The Ethics of an Immoralist
by Peter Berkowitz
Our Price: $17.50

Nietzsche : The Man and His Philosophy
by R. J. Hollingdale
Our Price: $22.36

Nietzsche : Volume I and Volume II
by Martin Heidegger, David Farrell Krell (Translator)
Our Price: $24.00

Nietzsche : Volume III and Volume IV
by Martin Heidegger, David F. Krell (Editor)
Our Price: $24.00

Nietzsche and Asian Thought
by Graham Parkes (Editor)
Our Price: $17.00

Nietzsche and Depth Psychology
by Jacob Golomb (Editor), Weaver Santaniello (Editor), Ronald Lehrer (Editor)
Our Price: $22.36

Nietzsche and Metaphor
by Sarah Kofman, Duncan Large (Translator)
Our Price: $18.95

Nietzsche and Philosophy
by Gilles Deleuze, Hugh Tomlinson (Translator)
Our Price: $20.00

Nietzsche and the Vicious Circle
by Pierre Klossowski, Daniel W. Smith (Translator)
Our Price: $20.00

Nietzsche as Philosopher
by Arthur Coleman Danto
Our Price: $19.50

Nietzsche for Beginners
by Marc Sautet, Patrick Boussignac (Illustrator)
Our Price: $10.75

Nietzsche Heidegger and the Transition to Postmodernity
by Gregory Bruce Smith
Our Price: $16.00

Nietzsche in 90 Minutes
by Paul Strathern
Our Price: $6.25

Nietzsche in Turin : An Intimate Biography
by Lesley Chamberlain
Our Price: $11.70

Nietzsche on Truth and Philosophy
by Maudemarie Clark
Our Price: $24.95

Nietzsche's Philosophy of Science : Reflecting Science on the Ground of Art and Life
by Babette E. Babich
Our Price: $21.95

Nietzsche's Presence in Freud's Life and Thought
by Ronald Lehrer
Our Price: $23.95

Nietzsche's Teaching : An Interpretation of Thus Spoke Zarathustra
by Laurence Lampert
Our Price: $19.00

Nietzsche's Zarathustra
by Kathleen Marie Higgins
Our Price: $19.95

On Nietzsche
by Georges Bataille, Bruce Boone (Translator), Sylvere Lotringer (Introduction)
Our Price: $13.45

The Other Nietzsche
by Joan Stambaugh
Our Price: $18.95

Postmodern Platos : Nietzsche, Heidegger, Gadamer, Strauss, Derrida
by Catherine H. Zuckert
Our Price: $22.50

Prophets of Extremity : Nietzsche, Heidegger, Foucault, Derrida
by Allan Megill
Our Price: $17.95

The Question of Ethics : Neitzsche, Foucault, Heidegger
by Charles E. Scott
Our Price: $13.95

Reading Nietzsche
by Robert C. Solomon (Editor), Kathleen M. Higgins (Editor)
Our Price: $24.95

Reading Nietzsche Rhetorically
by Douglas Thomas
Our Price: $30.00

Spurs : Nietzsche's Style : Eperons Les Styles De Nietzsche
by Jacques Derrida, Stefano Agosti, Barbara Harlow (Translator)
Our Price: $10.00

Viroid Life : Perspectives on Nietzsche and the Transhuman Condition
by Keith Ansell-Pearson
Our Price: $20.99

What Nietzsche Really Said
by Robert C. Solomon, Kathleen Marie Higgins
Our Price: $18.40

When Nietzsche Wept/a Novel of Obsession
by Irvin D. Yalom
List Price: $14.00

Why We Are Not Nietzscheans
by Luc Ferry (Editor), Alain Renaut (Editor), Robert De Loaiza (Translator)
Our Price: $17.00


Webmaster: Brent Dean Robbins

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